Freestyle Jumpstart Workshop
Ready to make your musical freestyle dreams a reality? Take the first steps in this live online workshop with author and freestyle designer Sandra Beaulieu. Have some fun and make some progress towards your goals.
Workshop coming up Saturday, March 2nd at 3:00 EST
By the end of the workshop you will have a better understanding of the freestyle process and the following topics...
Discover your horse's BPMs with Sandra's straightforward process. Review sample videos to determine BPM for walk, trot, and canter. You can also submit a video of your horse to be used as an example.
Enjoy learning how to find and save freestyle music with a focus on themes, storytelling, entrances, and matching music to your horse.
Learn different choreography techniques and be guided through the process to create your first draft. We will discuss degree of difficulty, how to make your routine less test-like, and how to match it to your music.
Author and award-winning freestyle designer.
Ava Babnick
"Thank you so much for hosting the Freestyle Jumpstart Workshop! I really enjoyed it and will certainly be participating in any future workshops you host. My biggest takeaway was probably everything you said about finding BPMs. I already had my horses BPMs but I think they are slightly off because he is fairly weak in certain muscle groups, so his rhythm gets irregular sometimes. Watching the videos of other horses while finding their BPMs really helped me."
Denise Morrison
"Figuring out my horse's bpm was great. Also your discussion about the technical aspects of showing a freestyle. I am not a musical person so I guess I still wonder about finding music that fits the horse's bpm. I love your book too! Thanks again!"
Kathey Cauley
"Sandra, I'm so happy that I attended your workshop. It was very well presented and you were able to cover a lot of material! I thought the submitted videos and tapping in the BPM app was really helpful. Another take-away idea from one of the participants was laminating each choreographed movement to make cards to "shuffle" and create my routine. Such a brilliant idea!"